Category Archives: Syllabus

A Brief Summary of HSC Legal Studies Syllabus

The Legal Studies Syllabus consists of two core units (which the whole state completes) and two options.

The Two Core units are Human Rights and Crime. These two core units are tested through multiple choice and short answer sections of the exam. These core units make up 50 marks out of 100 for your taking.

The second half of the syllabus consists of two option topics. Which you are expected to write essays for (each worth 25 marks).

These options include:

  1. Consumers
  2. Global Environmental Protection
  3. Family
  4. Indigenous Peoples
  5. Shelter
  6. Workplace
  7. World Order

I personally completed Consumers and World Order, so this blog will focus more heavily on those, but I will delve into the other options.

Thanks for reading.